Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The September Issue

After waiting, waiting and yes, more waiting for all the hype and hoopla to die down, I finally snuck into Clearview's Chelsea theatre on West 23rd Street to see The September Issue. I sat next to my boyfriend Mark and decided to keep my game face on while analyzing the film. Unfortunately, that was impossible! Only 20 minutes into the film I looked like a little kid in a candy shop. I had a smile plastered on my face, eyebrows raised, and eyes glued to the screen. I was so giddy and excited that I subconsciously sipped my CocaCola down to the last drop in the blink of an eye or more like a trip to Paris in Anna Wintour's world. The couture, coliseum, character, colors, catwalks and humor were all sewn together so brilliantly as if it were a Thakoon design itself. Through all the layers of fashion shows, events, trips, heavy furs and dark sunglasses emerged an incredibly smart woman with a passion, although Anna says it all simply "amuses" her family, it was the job in her cards since she was a little girl and she is very pleased with that.

I was the most intrigued by Anna's relationship with Grace Coddington and became very focused on analyzing their interaction. They are both very clever women with 30 years under their belts but both very stubborn as Grace explains. Clearly I loved this movie and will most likely see it 10 times over but after walking away the first time there are two things I can say I learned. One is what Grace explained is the most important thing in life; always keep you eyes open wherever your going or whatever your doing because every little thing can inspire you along the way. Two is that everyone including your family will always judge you however they please but you can only be the true judge of yourself. Overall I'm glad I let my guard down so the kid inside me could come out and enjoy the film. On the other hand I've made a mental note to keep all soda bottles away from me during movies because it was not fun to have to race to the restroom as soon as the credits started to rolling!

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